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Health & Wellness

Brunswick’s mission has always included instilling in each boy the knowledge and skills necessary for development of physical and psychological health. We can have no greater wish for Brunswick boys than that they will be healthy and well throughout their time at our school and throughout long and fulfilling lives. 

Historically, Brunswick has invested abundant time, energy, and resources in maintaining the health and wellness of all members of our community.

Today, as one of the four pillars of The Brunswick Trust, our comprehensive health and wellness program and services are organized through a central, schoolwide hub: The Center for Wellness, Insight, Courage & Kindness, or The ’WICK Center, for short.

The Center is the primary vehicle for direct support, resources, and curriculum dedicated at every level to the physical and emotional well-being of our boys, our faculty, our families, and our community.

Full-time medical staff includes Director of Health & Wellness Marcie Molloy M.D., three counselors (Pre/Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools), four nurses (Pre, Lower, Middle, and Upper Schools), and four athletic trainers.

Dedicated physical space is set aside on each of Brunswick’s four campuses, including staff offices and educational meeting rooms.

Expert Resources for Students & Parents

The inaugural ’WICK Center Speaker Series launched in Fall 2022, bringing day-long visits from leading experts to campus throughout the school year.