Students doing community service

Community Service

We believe all Brunswick students should endeavor to serve communities and causes beyond their own. Every student, every faculty member, and the school itself must accept the responsibilities and obligations that accompany our many blessings.

A young man’s character develops as he learns to look beyond himself, to consider the situations of those around him, and to share his talents, leadership, and time for the sake of others.

Community service is as much a part of Brunswick as academics, athletics, and the arts. Even our youngest students participate in volunteer opportunities, which evolve over the years to full-fledged service projects in the Upper School.

Upper School students conduct fundraisers to support disadvantaged children in other countries; they also tutor and coach underprivileged youths in after-school programs. Some help out at day care centers or volunteer in soup kitchens.

Students have recently been involved in service efforts with:

  • Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich
  • Edison School (Port Chester, NY)
  • Inspirica
  • Waterside School
  • Eagle Hill
  • The Carver Center
  • MidNight Run (NYC)
  • Neighbor-to-Neighbor
  • Promise World Wide (India)
  • JBFC (Africa)

Ever-present Brunswick faculty advisors, who administer the community service programs, share these valuable experiences with our boys as role models and as enthusiastic participants. Students, however, share responsibility for organizing and running the program — a practice that builds leadership skills and involves the students in unforgettable ways with the people who are touched by the projects.