Technology Enhances Learning, Self-Expression
The two fundamental goals of the technology program in the Pre and Lower School divisions are to help boys learn to work collaboratively and to help them begin to think critically. We use technology as one of the vehicles to accomplish these goals (including imbuing lessons and experiences with essential technology skills). If we are successful, we expect that boys will be well positioned to meet the escalating curricular demands of computer science in the Middle and Upper School divisions. Curricular components include the following: coding, word processing, email, digital citizenship (including responsible use of the Internet), multimedia presentation skills, online research, and keyboarding. Laptop computers and mobile devices are used intentionally across all grades. After-school clubs that promote the critical skills we have prioritized include LEGO Robotics, Drone Club, Stop Motion Animation, and Shop Class. Risk-taking and mistake-making are central to our program. If boys can think logically and communicate effectively, they should thrive.